Sunday, December 26, 2010

I love my google e-mail, youtube and blog… but come on. It will be two years in April that I have been married and changed my e-mail from my maiden name to my new name. This is a legit reason to change e-mails. I am not changing from butterflyfollower37343124 to hookerbaby23837. I don’t understand why your e-mail cannot be changed on these additional services. Maybe even limit it. You get one change per lifetime so choose your e-mail wisely. But NO. Google had to make it complicated. My 170 videos on youtube and my domain name blog is attached to an e-mail I never check. Let me also share with you the fact that this e-mail account has now been hacked not once, but twice! Once from Russia and once from Turkey. I guess they get their giggles from my maiden names e-mail account. Assclowns.
So Google, I will continue to use my e-mail, mainly because I will not use Yahoo, but I am very, very disappointed in you. Very disappointed.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Took off today to sew. I know it sounds silly... but I haven't done more than a pillow on my sewing machine and that was a while ago. I didn't want to stress about it and I had the time off.
Hubby made a cornhole set and needed the bean bags to match for this weekends Fall Festival at the school he teaches at. And guess what, I made the 8 he needed with 2 extra -- just in case!

I took a half day tomorrow to surprise the hubby with lunch, but as we went to the Wally World tonight he is having lunch catered by the PTA for the teaches... well that ruins my plans! I had to tell him. Boo.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Meh Mood

I feel like I have no time to do anything anymore. Any of my hobbies, date night with my hubby or just extra time to breathe. It's a tad bit overwhelming, but I don't know what to do about it :(

Always go, go, going. Yes, I like to stay busy, but come on now. I need a moment. This weekend will be just as busy as the others. But busy in a good way, time with the hubbster and friends.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still drama on the other side and to be honest, I just don't know how to fix it. I have tried, but the old always resurfaces and doesn't seem to stick. Eh.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I loathe October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I just wish people would care for the other cancers as much as they do with breast cancer.

Cancer is not just about breasts.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"I will no longer be carrying a photo ID. You know why? People should know who I am."
- Sue (Glee)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, why can't it be the weekend?

Been enjoying our shows being new and back on TV, keeps us entertained in the evening. It's almost numbing after working so hard all day.
I have been missing school. Yes, you read it right, missing school. I'm not sure if I just miss being on campus and seeing my friends everyday, or if I miss the actually classes. I liked class, once I got to my major classes. But am I ready to go back for the masters program? I don't know. I keep going back and forth on it. It would give me something to do, more to learn.
Random Rant.... done.

Now to more boring Grey's Anatomy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My parents ventured to Arizona this morning to visit my grandma. I think this is the first time (in a long time) that all 3 of her boys (my dad and his two brothers) will be there to see her and my grandpa. I'm not sure if me and my sister will be heading there next week. Word is my grandma wants some me time before grandkids rush into town. I would love to see her though.
Work is running me dry. I'm tired. I have been working my booty off, I hope for some time of (soon).
Tomorrow Gus is going to be on tv with one of my co-workers cat and another's dog. They are going to test the new oxygen masks on them. The community raised funds for the fire department to have them on the truck... should be exciting. I will post a pic or two if I can.
More soon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What's Going On...

So, a lot has been going on. The normal crazy days at work, but more personal things. My grandmother has been battling Leukemia, something we only found out at the beginning of September this year. Just recently she was given the option for Hospice Care, but she denied the care and is now at home with my grandfather and her sister (who has been a nurse for many years). The family is taking turns to go and visit. My parents are heading out to see her next week and my sister and I will be heading out one week from Wednesday. I wish the hubbster could go with but with teaching the students who keep failing their tests (due to lack of studying) and his graduate classes, he will not be able to go.

This has been in the back of my mind so much lately. I have volunteered so many hours towards this cancer foundations and now it is affecting my family in more ways then we would have ever imagined. My family has been very fortunate in this aspect of illness. My grandfather had some skin cancer, but it was removed and that was it. My friends and second family have been the ones I have fought so hard for (queen bee, 'uncle al' and so on). This one is serious and I feel a bit hopeless. I want her to be able to kick cancer's ass, but the doctors just don't think that is possible.

I'm going bald in October (Go Bold, Go Bald), it's a campaign to wear a bald cap for a full day, no exceptions. I'm raising my money for Livestrong and I am fighting this one for my grandmother. I am almost to $100 and I wish I could motivate more support, but we are all hurting for money, this I know. I'm thinking about sending the event info to the news media here, I will keep you posted.

This is one of those things that I would not have shared on my public domain blog. But I needed somewhere to vent about it all.
Thanks for listening.

Start of something new...

I wanted a new blog. Let me list you the reasons.

  1. I wanted one matched with my new e-mail address (one created after getting married, google doesn't let you change them on your blogger account - which is stupid)
  2. I wanted a more private blog, one I can share more without worrying about someone taking it the wrong way
  3. I want people to want to read it, not because they feel they have to. So if you want to keep up with my crazy life, bookmark this blog.